What are the Top Android & iOS App Development Trends (Expert Advice)

App development is the process of developing apps for Android/iOS mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The following expert advice will help you to know what are the top Android & iOS App development trends. With smartphones becoming cheaper and more widespread, the need for apps to have better and faster user interfaces is the main focus of app developers.

App development is a lengthy process which is why it is recommended to enlist the help of an application development solution to help a business stay on the right track with its application. The process of developing an app consists of the following steps:

  1. Planning technical aspects: The first stage is deciding the interface of the app, the function as well as the technical aspects of the application. The custom app development services can provide you with insights on how your app should look like as well as the technical aspects of the user interface.
  2. Developing and Prototype: The developing and prototype phase consists of finalizing the look and feel of the app. Post this, the front-end and back-end developers from the custom app development company will start working on their respective domains.
  3. Testing: The most important phase of app development is testing. Testing the app for bugs before releasing it to the public is important. The developers run your app through edge cases and common bugs that can determine the tenacity of your app. The app is also run on different operating systems to make sure the user interface is consistent across devices.

As Android and iOS platforms expand, developers are looking more at cross-platform apps as that saves time and costs for businesses allowing them to market to a wider range of users in the long run. With cross-platform tools, the custom app development company can ensure that your app is compatible with both operating systems. Following are some cross-platform tools that can help scale your apps to reach a wider user base:


Ionic is a cross-platform tool that makes it the best choice for developing apps for any operating system with ease. The tool is based on Sass CSS language and can be integrated with Angular JS to build applications. It houses a huge library with JS CSS components, mobile-optimized HTML, and CSS features too. This tool ensures that your application works perfectly with features present in mobile phones. Another advantage of using this tool is that it allows developers to send any app updates directly to the users.


Buildfire.js is a cross-platform library used to build apps with custom functionality. The tool is perfect to tailor your application with the help of JavaScript. It is an open-source tool that helps to reduce the app development task by 80 percent.


Backed by Microsoft, Xamarin is a cross-platform tool that uses the help of C# codebase. Equipped with standardized UI controls, it enables developers to save their time as they do not have to use any extra UI option. SDK integration in the tool ensures the apps are updated according to the OS of the device.

Corona Labs

The Corona labs is another cross-platform tool used to develop educational applications and 2D games. The platform is fairly easy to master and can be used for free by developers.

Sencha Touch

Sencha is a tool that helps in cross-platform app development tool across Android, IOS, and Blackberry. Based on MVC, the tool works with JavaScript making it a popular choice among developers. The tool requires coding in HTML 5 and has more than 100 supporting components.


Appery.io is a low-code development platform used for developing cross-platform mobile apps, web apps, PWAs. The tool allows you to import and use backend services instantly, allowing you to integrate the existing backend with your app.

Top Android & iOS App Development Trends (Expert Advice)

Along with tools, the custom app development services also make it a point to follow trends in app development, remaining abreast with the latest technological developments and leveraging them in the development process. A few app development trends that are emerging in 2021 are as follows:

Internet of Things

A fast-emerging global trend is the Internet of Things (IoT). Integrating day-to-day functions with the internet, IoT has started playing a significant role in smart homes and security systems. With the right application development solution, you can use IoT as wireless inventory trackers as well as increasing cybersecurity in your app. This helps a business gain trust from its consumers and ensure consumer loyalty.

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning

When it comes to scaling a business, an application development solution recommends the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. On the basis of collected data and search histories, the AI can recommend products to suit the user preferences. This helps create a more personalized experience for the customer. The combination of artificial intelligence with machine learning will help the development process in the long run as it can learn the process from earlier logs of data, find bugs, detect problems and fix them in real time.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

The custom app development services you hire can also allow you to integrate Augmented Reality and Virtual reality into your application. A few businesses are already using AR to give users a realistic experience of their products. Augmented reality allows users to see how they would look in a dress or accessory. In addition to this, Virtual reality in the gaming sector is making a lot of noise. The gaming sector has transitioned into a virtual reality to give users the thrill of playing a game. The future of AR and VR in the current climate are quite promising with Live music festivals & concerts, Destination navigators and Visual Learning adapting to the trend.

Beacon Technology

Beacon Technology is a growing trend with its impact seen in the hotels, museums, healthcare sectors. Beacon technology makes use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals to transmit and receive signals, providing relevant guidance for their users.

Folding Display

This is another example of a trend taking over the mainstream market. With users needing ample screen space for their viewing pleasure, phone companies like Samsung are coming up with folding displays that provide the convenience of mobile devices while not compromising on screen size.

Geolocation based apps

Geolocation is already a mainstream trend that is increasing in popularity. It hels provide a highly personalized experience to users. Most apps have been operating on geolocation that allows them to provide accurate data to the users.

Mobile wallets

With people mostly shopping online and digital payments becoming more convenient, mobile wallets are here to stay. Mobile wallets offer convenience as well as security to their users. By integrating popular payment methods into a wallet, they have made payments smoother.


Wearables are certainly making headway into the mainstream market. With smartwatches being seamlessly integrated with smartphones, a lot of users are able to track their daily activities through apps. The future of wearables with IoT will allow users to access services remotely.

Biometric authentication

Earlier used to just unlock phones, biometric authentication is touching new heights with recent developments. Biometric authentication is now being used to approve payments, unlock apps, online banking among others. The future uses of biometric authentication is predicted to reach immigration services.

Virtual Events Streaming

With the entertainment industry suffering in light of the pandemic, virtual events streaming is another trend that is quickly picking up pace in app development. An online event platform that allows the users to experience the rush of concerts and even change rooms according to their convenience.

Enterprise Mobile apps

Enterprise Mobile apps are apps developed for internal communication in a company. Developing these kinds of apps is slowly picking up pace worldwide. The enterprise mobile apps help employees improve internal communication, satisfaction as well as productivity in the workplace.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages help to create faster, more responsive apps allowing user retention. The trend is quickly gaining pace in the technological sphere as it helps to increase traffic and improve user engagement. Websites that use Accelerated Mobile Pages load four times faster than normal sites and improves SEO.

Cloud integration

Cloud integration is another aspect that is catching the attention of developers and users alike. Cloud technology is an ever-evolving domain that allows users to store more and more data easing the pressure on the devices’ internal memory. Cloud integration also makes it easy for developers to create an app by making the process easier.

Following these trends and integrating them into the app development process can help the business stay relevant in the future. Technology is always evolving and it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements to provide the users with a better, faster and cleaner experience when it comes to engaging with your business. For this purpose, hiring a reputed application development solution is the right way to go. Such companies take care of keeping your apps flexible enough to adapt to developing trends. Maintaining an app as the trends change can be a herculean task and the right service can take the stress right off you.

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