Top 5 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors for Linux, Windows, & MacOS

This article will guide you through some of the apps that you can use as IDEs or code editors when working with Python. Top 5 best Python IDEs and code editors for Linux, Windows, & MacOS. Being a programmer requires writing code maybe 99% of the time, which is why it is really important to choose the best editor that suits your needs.

A programmer is not too different from that, except that, to write the code, they will need a code editor that has been specifically designed to recognize the code.

So, what exactly are code editors? Well, a code editor is a piece of software fundamental for any programmer, no matter if they are advanced programmers, or they’re just getting started. The source code editor is similar to a text editor, but has been specifically designed for editing source code or computer programs.

Top 5 Best Python IDEs and Code Editors

When developers write the code for a software, they do it in a code editor. Code editors can be standalone apps, or they can be integrated into an IDE or web browser.

So now that we’ve got that out of the way, What is an IDE?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment and it represents a software application which will help computer programmers in developing software. IDEs not only provide standard code editors, that developers can use to write the actual source code, but they also come with debugging tools, execution tools, and testing tools. Some apps also include compilers or interpreters as well.

Python is a general-purpose coding language. This means that, unlike CSS/HTML/JavaScript, it allows you to use it for other types of software programming, not only for web development. Python can be used by programmers or back-end development, software development, data science, etc.

When writing source code using Python, there are plenty of IDEs and code editors that you can use, and, of course, it is up to you which one you decide to choose. Here’s a selection of the apps that you can choose from:

1. PyCharm

PyCharm is a cross-platform IDE well known for its productivity resources. This one can be used on Windows, MacOS and Linux, as it’s compatible with all three of them. It is considered to be very versatile, as it provides resting APIs that can be used by developers to create their own Python plugins.

The platform comes with support (for tools such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Git), Python refactoring, live updates for code changes, and many more features.

You can opt for the free trial and, if you want to continue, you can get an annual subscription for $199.

2. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a very popular free developer environment platform. This one, as well, is compatible with Windows, Linux and MacOS, and it is known to be an extensible code editor that can be used for multiple programming languages (besides Phyton, you can also write in Java, JavaScript, C++, Node.js).

The app features include multi-language support, a very effective tool for debugging, smart code completion, multi-split window and many more. It is very easily customizable and it has a user-friendly interface.

3. Spyder

Spyder is another writing environment for Phyton, but this one is specifically designed for scientists, engineers and data analysts. This IDE comes with a great combination of advanced editing, analysis features, as well as an efficient debugging tool. Moreover, you can play around with data exploration, interactive execution, accompanied by a beautifully designed visualization method.

It is compatible with Windows, MacOS and Linux. You can download it for free, and it includes support for NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib and Pandas. As it has been built for engineers and data analysts, the app features include multi-project handling, history log, an internal console for introspection, as well as third-party plugins support. It is also a very lightweight platform, so you shouldn’t have any speed issues with it.


If you’re looking for a learning platform, IDLE is a simple software, suitable for beginners, especially in the education environment. It stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment, and it is a cross-platform (compatible with Windows, MacOS and written entirely in Python.

Within its features you will find support for a multi-window text editor, code auto-completion and formatting, a debugger with breakpoints and so on. This app is great for developers who are just getting started with Python, or even for educational institutions.

5. Atom

Atom is another free and accessible on all platforms environment. It comes with all of the features that a basic code editor provides, and it is known to be built using Electron, JavaScript, HTML, Angular js and CSS. It is free for everyone to use.

Similar to most configurable text editors, users will have to add third party plugins if they want to change the appearance and functionalities of the code editor.

As it is one of the most versatile IDEs, Atom is often times considered to be one of the best text editors used for Python development.

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