How to Add Guest Author to WordPress Post Without Create Account

In this article, you will see how to add a guest author to WordPress Post without creating an account or registration. It is indeed a good idea to accept guest blog posts on your WordPress site. It helps to generate content on your website. Hence, It will increase traffic to your site, and create connections with other bloggers.

As a real scenario, you and other bloggers create a mutual relationship to get benefits. For instance, you get an article while they get a link back to their website.

By default, if any guest author wants to write a post in your WordPress site you must have to create a user account for them. Even if only a write single post, you have to follow the same. As a result, you create a user account for the author, that the author may never use. This is the reason, we are writing this article for how to add guest Authors to your WordPress Post without creating an account.

Adding Guest Author to WordPress Post

There are 2 ways you can add the guest author to your WordPress Post.

  1. Plugin
  2. Create Your Own Snippet

1. Plugin

There are many WordPress plugins available to add these features to your WordPress site. We suggest choosing (Simply) Guest Author Name the best plugin to add guest author details in your WordPress posts. It is a very simple plugin to configure easily and it works a great way. You can display the Author details in the author box easily.

Install the Guest Author Name plugin

Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins → Add New. Search here the guest author name in the search box. Once you find it just like the image below, install it.

Install Guest Author Name Plugin

Activate the Guest Author Name plugin

After installing, click on the activate button to install (Simply) Guest Author Name plugin.

Activare Guest Author Name Plugin

Configure the Guest Author Name plugin

Next, you need to visit the Settings → Guest Author Name page to configure plugin settings.

Go to Guest Author Name Configuration Screen

Here, you can configure the Guest Author Name plugin as you like. You can enable guest author on Quick Edit. Second, show Author in Author column in the list of Posts. Lastly, enable HTML content in the author’s description field. Once you configured, click on the Save Changes button to update changes.

Configure Guest Author Name Plugin

Create or Edit Post

Next, create/edit Post, scrolling down the post, you will see the Guest Author section. Most probably, it may be the last section of the post screen.

WordPress default, Post author as a logged-in user. But if the Post from a guest author then you have to update Author name. Add Author short bio description. Enter the Author URL it may be a website or social media profile link. Add Author Gravatar E-mail address to show Author pic.

Enter Guest Author Details

Lastly, visit your website to check your blog post to see the guest author details.

Guest Author Details in Guest Post

2. Create Your Own Snippet

Here are pretty simple steps you have to follow to show guest authors name each post easily.

Add code into function.php file

Add these codes in your themes function.php file. Whenever posting as a Guest post, add a custom field guest-author. It will replace the author’s name with the text that you write in the custom field.

add_filter( 'the_author', 'guest_author_name' );
add_filter( 'get_the_author_display_name', 'guest_author_name' );
function guest_author_name( $name ) {
    global $post;
    $author = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'guest-author', true );
    if ( $author )
    $name = $author;
    return $name;

Note: If this is your first time to adding code snippets in WordPress, then we suggest you use Code Snippets Plugin.

Guest Author Custom Field in Post

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1 Response Leave a Comment

  1. blank
    D Swarna Prasad Bangre June 3, 2020 at 9:27 AM

    I want to know how to get guest author image from custom field (from coding but not using plugin). And I want to know how to alter or customize guest author information like name, email, description, and pic of the author from the custom field of post?

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