How To Create an AI Based Dating Site Like The Lucky Date

Develop a Dating website with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to cluster the dating profiles with one another. In this article, we discuss about how to create an AI based dating site like the Lucky date. Today’s hustle & bustle has us moving here and there, continually forgetting that our heart only needs another soul to share the joy with. Meeting new people and forming new relationships has gotten really tough. Humans are social animals, emphasizing the “social” part. We have a natural tendency to socialize and establish relationships as we progress in life. However, life today has changed from its basic form. We don’t get sufficient opportunities to meet new people randomly.

After investing time in academics and career, sometimes people find themselves alone when it’s time to focus on social life too. But there are several dating platforms around; no one pays heed to the mid-aged people who are seeking stable relationships to settle down. In our quest to look for the best online dating platforms that help mid-aged people find ideal partners, we came across The Lucky Date, one of the top dating websites for those seeking meaningful relationships.

As a website development company, you must surely want to create a similar website like this one, and this blog will share the features required for building a website like The Lucky Date.

A Dating Site Focused on Single Older Adults

There are several online dating sites & apps nowadays, but they barely prioritize the socialization of older adults who have busy lives. People above 35 still find websites more accessible compared to dating apps. Therefore, it’s a great idea to develop a website like The Lucky Date to socialize and find connections. The Lucky Date, launched in November 2019, is a great inspiration for other web developers out there. It has unique features & algorithms and offers users’ a chance to find real people sharing similar interests.

This platform arose due to the need to connect older audiences who need personal relationships and socializing. It’s an excellent opportunity for you as a web development company to focus on something like this.

Features you must consider for a Site Like The Lucky Date

Several features of this unique platform make a better choice for mid-aged adults seeking a meaningful relationship.

1. A Unique Matching Algorithm

The Lucky Date designed an AI-based algorithm to recommend smarter matches for its users. They implement machine learning to evaluate a handful of points such as age, location, body parameters, and how users communicate with other members. Their model’s key difference is that they work with as little info from the user as possible. This is what users prefer nowadays, giving less personal info, and you should definitely keep that in mind.

2. Find People Worldwide

It has an online dating feature where you can seek people anywhere in the globe. You just need to tap on the ‘search’ tab & select the nation you are looking for partners and their age. The most suitable matches will appear on your screen. It is working on applying a PAS (personal attractiveness score). As per the internal research, it takes 3-7 secs to comprehend if you like the person you see. PAS will evaluate user images and offer even more precise results. This helps adults find ideal partners earliest.

3. Ice-Breakers

It can be pretty challenging to begin a conversation with someone new, mainly with a person from another nation having a different culture & values. Communication is the key to a happy relationship & ice-breakers can make a regular conversation great. The website or app developers took psychologist advice to design principles of more friendly & neutral recommendations to communicate with strangers. Hence, they have over 1000 new connections each day due to ice-breakers. This would be a great thing to keep in mind while developing your dating website.

4. Dark Theme

While designing a dark mode for the website, developers had the end-user in mind. They evaluated user sessions & discovered that the most active time is 10 PM – 3 AM. This is the time when you are lying down and relaxing with all the lights turned off, and there is a bright white screen before your eyes. This is where the dark mode feature is handy. Some studies say it can also save battery life on certain screen types. The dark theme is only an alternative you can offer to users for their comfort; it’s totally up to them which one to use.

5. Smart Matches Within Your Reach

This website uses basic information like the user’s location, body type, height, etc., to make an ideal user profile and find matches accordingly. This feature lets you match with people near to you and make a good fit for you. This website makes finding ideal partners easy, but connecting with people sharing similar likings and lifestyles.

6. Minimum User Data

Don’t ask your uses to fill endless forms and provide redundant data to create an account. This app has the least entry barriers & lets users take complete advantage of the app without giving too much info. Also, take care of unnecessary security issues & don’t let the user data be compromised at any point.

7. Easy Chat Feature for Starting Conversations

Consider a chat feature that enables your users to chat with potential partners using easy & intuitive chat tools. They should be able to send direct messages to their match and begin conversations. Make the chat option quick and responsive. They should be able to use stickers & emoticons to make the chat more interesting.


Making a responsive dating site can help focus more on older adults who are more familiar with web platforms than app platforms. It should be user-friendly and no stylish design to make it complicated. The interface must be smooth; the technology should be swift, helping people find people quickly. The users should be able to send messages to whosoever they like and see their profile info & other images. It should be free-to-use & offer connectivity worldwide. This platform is a great one to learn from if you want to develop an AI-based dating site for older audiences.

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