What is a Backlink on a Website? How to Get Quality Backlinks

In this post, we’re going to take a look what is a backlink on a Website. How to get quality Backlinks. Backlinks link a specific site with different other sites having links for this site. This means when those external sites are visited, it takes you to the specific site, through the links on them. The prime aim behind developing a concept like a backlink is to make use of it for SEO purposes for thoroughly optimizing it.

Google takes backlinks in to account for indexing purpose. SEO backlinks thus are highly essential for boosting a site ranking. Backlinks enable the search bots to crawl through a site and rank the same perfectly with the content of it. With so much importance, it’s obvious for every site owner to wish for as many backlinks as it is possible. A backlink is simply a hyperlink used within the content to link another site.

For ranking and indexing, the PageRank algorithm of Google takes the quality of sources and the number of pages backlinking to a specific site into account, for its ranking. There are various terms associated with SEO backlinks those are discussed below.

What is Link Juice in SEO?

Whenever a website links to any of the posts of another website, or simply its home page, it forwards some ‘link juice’ to it. This link juice is valuable from a ranking of the page or the site, and moreover, it contributes towards improving domain authority.

Types of Backlinks (No-follow and do-follow links)

No-Follow basically a tag, which upon being used with the links restrict search engine bots to go through those links. It means even if you link another site, it doesn’t pass ‘Link Juice’ or simply doesn’t help from SEO perspectives. How to pass the link juice then? It can be done using ‘do-follow’. Do-follow links are the tags that direct the Google bots to the links tagged those can be indexed. These are meant to provide juice link from the site to the other site it links to. Naturally, the concerned site getting linked gets SEO benefits.

Linking Root Domains

It is simply understood as the number of backlinks that a specific site gets from an explicit domain. Note that even if one site links you hundred times, your linking root domain count will still remain ‘one’.

How crucial are backlinks for new sites? 

Upon going through keyword research tools and various analytic tools, it can be evident that the successful sites get massive backlinks from unique domains, which is very much part of the various SEO techniques they use. In short, the primary aim should be about getting links for the individual posts, and also to the home page.

How to index Backlinks Fast in Google?

As discussed above, Google bots or simply search engine bots take backlinks in to account while crawling or discovering new pages through the already reckoned pages. Hence, it matters for the new websites, especially to get backlinks from the reckoned sites.

Referral Traffic

Backlinks also help the sites in avoiding bounce rate, as these are quite targeted. A visitor while going through content holds every chance to put a click on the link within it to explore more of relevant posts on the topic. Naturally, the bounce rate gets lowers.

How to get quality backlinks?

After getting to know about such advantages of backlinks, it is obvious to get curious about exploring new ways of having backlinks. Before that, those who are planning to buy backlinks should understand that this strategy might lead to the site getting penalized. In fact, more than the number of backlinks, it’s the quality that matters.

Maintain content quality

There is simply no alternative to contents in blogging or simply digital arena. No authority site is going to link it. The content should be simple, easy to read and comprehend, and thoroughly optimized from SEO perspectives. But make sure that the content is not stuffed with the excessive keyword.

Make the most of broken links

Broken links are basically the links to those pages those are mostly inactive. You simply have to find the relevant broken links, redevelop the content, and ask people linking to it, to link you.

Do Guest Posting and Submit at Web Directories

Guest blogging simply means writing a post for someone else’s site. In general, the site owners happily send one or a couple of backlinks. But, it is important to find a relevant site first for backlinking. Most importantly, the content quality must be up a notch. Apart from this, one may submit articles at the authorized web directories as well, which pay back through backlinks.


SEO backlinks are among the most crucial factors to boost search engine ranking. Bloggers looking for guest positing platform aiming backlink can connect with SEOExpertStuff.com

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